Society of
County Treasurers


Society officers conduct the affairs and direct the business of the Society. Members are elected to officer positions annually, although they may serve more than one annual term. To be elected SCT President (excluding extenuating circumstances), a member first performs the role of Co-Vice President for two years. Individuals holding the current officer posts are as follows:


Nicole Wood,
Director of Finance and Procurement,
Essex County Council

Vice President I

Mark Wynn,
Executive Director of Resources
Lancashire County Council  

Vice President II

Pam Duke
Director of Finance (s151 Officer)
Westmorland & Furness Council  

Honorary Secretary

Rob Powell
Executive Director for Resources
Warwickshire County Council

Honorary Treasurer

Pam Duke
Director of Finance (s151 Officer)
Westmorland & Furness Council  

Honorary Auditor  

Tony Rose
Head of Devon Audit Partnership
Devon County Council   

Dinner Secretary

Gary Fielding
Corporate Director Resources
North Yorkshire Council  

SCT Lead Advisors

In addition to elected officers, the Society has a number of lead advisors. Information about lead advisors can be found on the relevant pages of the members only area of this website. A full list is also available below:

SCT Advisors (please note that to view this document you need to be logged in)

Former Presidents

Throughout its history the Society has kept a record of its previous presidents. These are given below:

Full List of SCT Presidents and Honorary Secretaries

SCT Constitution

The original SCT Constitution and Regulations were approved and adopted at a meeting of the Society held on 23 September 1927. The original was amended and revised at meetings of the Society on 31 May 1946, 6 December 1957, 2 March 1979 and 5 December 2024.

SCT Constitution (please note that to view this document you need to be logged in)